David Wen
Software Engineer
2010 - 2011: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, M.Eng
Master of Engineering in Computer Science, June 2011
Thesis - Defending Against Side-Channel Attacks: DynamoREA
A platform that uses dynamic binary rewriting to protect systems against side-channel attacks.
2006 - 2010: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S. (Double major)
B.S. in Computer Science and Engineering & B.S. in Mathematics, June 2010. GPA: 4.7/5.0.
Languages: Java, Python, Go, JavaScript, SQL, HTML/CSS, C
Technologies: Mercurial, Git, Subversion, Play! framework, Django, Ruby on Rails
Yext, New York, NY - Software Engineer, August 2011 to Current
  • Prepared and performed various migrations to scale the system to increasing amount of users and data
  • Implemented optimizations that reduced the time to make various bulk editing operations from a few minutes to a few seconds
MIT Computer Science and AI Lab, Cambridge, MA - Research Assistant, Summer 2010
  • Researched different methods to prevent system calls from leaking information through side-channels using dynamic binary rewriting
Amazon.com, Seattle, WA - Software Engineer Intern, Summer 2009
  • Created framework for operational readiness testing for RDS (Relational Database Service) before its initial release
  • Developed a Firefox extension to provide a convenient interface to RDS
BlackRock Solutions, New York, NY - Software Engineer Intern, Summer 2008
  • Created Java Swing applications that send algorithmic trading strategy specifications to brokers. Resulting software provided more automation for communicating how an algorithmic trading strategy is to be used and left less room for human error.
hurddit - reddit for music hurddit.dwen.me
Ruby on Rails application that allows users to create custom channels, suggest songs for channels, and vote up or down songs within a channel.
Paysplit - manage and split expenses between multiple users paysplit.net
Play! application that solved the problem of splitting expenses between me and my roommates. Paysplit allowed us to easily keep track of how much a user owes someone else after bills, meals, and other shared items are entered. Usage of Paysplit has spread to other circles of friends as well.
twumblrface - post to Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook from one place twumblrface.dwen.me
Django application that allows users to log in with their Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook accounts and post updates to all three services from a single page.
Word Association - Associate words and visualize relationships between words word.dwen.me
Ruby on Rails application that lets users make associations between words and explore the graph of words made by all the submitted associations.
Home page: dwen.me
Project blog: plog.dwen.me
Github: github.com/davidwen
Misc. Interests: Jazz, basketball, football, taekwondo, poker, board games